5 Things to do to stay organized
Organize Your Life:
A Guide to Doing Things to Stay Organized
Living in this decade has opened a lot of doors for many individuals most especially those who thrive for a better tomorrow in terms of growing their finances, more than doing a traditional business or traditional work, digital work has opened a lot for many and there is no reason for them not to succeed. However, despite a lot of opportunities coming and just a shy away from tapping it. There are certain things that we lose control of not being in control. One thing is to stay organized, aside from having the drive to aim for a particular goal, one must have a plan by being organized or staying organized.
Since I was 18 years old I have started working part-time, both in an organization and also by helping and having the initiative to sell stuff from one person to the other. Social media was still booming at that time and I didn’t make use of it since I was also working for an organization (company) I have learned a lot of ropes and one of those things is to be organized in all ways.
There are many ways to do to stay organized and there are 5 of which that I enjoy doing the most and somehow it became part of my everyday life.
- Get a Planner.
Having a planner will help you ease your to-do list. For this year I got myself a 2019 Giving Journal from Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf since I am such a fan of their Tea Lattes. From the long-term task of one year up to my daily to-do list has helped me stay on track most especially in running my design studio. From my personal activities to business activities this has helped me the way throughout the day.
- Make use of the Apps
Please don’t tell me you don’t know this? That would be such a being lie if you’ve never used an App unless you’re in Gen X and don’t seem to like the digital age though I lot of whom I know are transitioning to familiarize themselves in this Social Media World. The apps helped me in organizing my business to connect with the world and to the people and by having my marketing activities make it easier and faster and one of these is doing the design works in Canva while I have my Gmail and Calendars to sync with my daily task.
- Delegate or Outsource Work
I enjoy doing everything from the smallest detail to the bigger picture in building my design studio and most of my earlier work while I was beginning to do freelancing work I did most of it, to help me save in my finances and also I have a lot of free time to do other extracurricular at night but as soon as my business has begun picking up and I went full-time things are slowly changing and I am still adapting to it up one at a time. It’s hard because I’m used that I do everything and it has become a source of my stress and has become overwhelming to me the only way to survive and welcome the change is to outsource work that can be outsourced work just to stay organized. Every project has deadlines and we need help to hit that deadline.
- Have a routine
Remember the times when we are younger, we have to wake up at 5 o’clock in the morning and be in school at 7 o’clock and we just hated the way it is. Now, I appreciated it though I have a different daily routine it helps me to stay organized and to keep track on in every progress make. Have you checked my previous blog post about “A Day in the life of an Interior Designer”?
- Be with your industry friends
Being in the entrepreneurial road is fun and often times we find ourselves lost, depressed or just a lot of feels and I’m no exception for that. I have a lot of friends and I enjoy to be with them but your industry friends will help you out in your state of being because they understand what’s going on with you and they are your core group of supporters both for personal and work especially when all of you are on the same page. My support group is Z Group, composed of Interior Designers and we run our own interior design studio while having another business. These type of friends also help you organize on the bigger picture and you need them also because you are not alone and feels help you keep your feet on the ground. Wine Session is savage with this group!
These are the 5 things that make me effective in dealing with my projects and help me be sane most times. The day can be crazy but making it through is the best result we could get. What’s your story then, to keep you organized?
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