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Any opinions offered by Emari Pimentel on various social media connected to www.emaripimentel.com is a personal opinions of Emari Pimentel. It does not represent brands currently collaborating with emaripimentel.com or other affiliates. Any statements made on social media from third parties are in no way affiliated with emaripimentel.com, and their opinions are theirs, alone. Emari Pimentel is able to alter or remove any content shared on social media by herself or comments from others with no notification or reason given.


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Be aware to take all precautions and do any necessary research before attempting any project instructions ad always ask for advice. For any design and renovation projects, Emari Pimentel cannot be held responsible for any injuries, loss, or outcome of your personal improvement as every project and location is different.

Although I am an Interior Designer by profession, I am not YOUR Interior Designer. This website is created for informational and educational purposes,  it has also been expressed by personal experiences and does not constitute interior design advice, and does not establish any kind of interior designer-client relationship with me. I am not liable or responsible for any damages resulting from or related use of this information. 


You may contact us at emaristudio@gmail.com for this blog

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At our discretion, we may change our privacy policy to reflect current acceptable practices. This policy is effective on of October 5, 2020.